Saturday, 6 October 2012

The Black Fairy is Fascinated by Hair Fascinators

 Fascinating Hair Fascinators from The Black Fairy

Absence makes the  Heart Grow Fonder! Just because we have been on vacation, dosnt mean we forgot the important things in of those is of course how to look great this season...
New to The Black Fairy Vintage is a range of funky hair fascinators for all those girls who like to dress their hair...

What is a Hair Fascinator?:  Source: From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

A fascinator is a headpiece, a style of millinery. The word originally referred to a fine, lacy head covering akin to a shawl and made from wool or lace, but mostly feathers. In the modern usage, it refers to a woman's alternative to hat for formal attire; it is usually a large hair decoration on a band or clip with elaborate trimmings and decoration like a formal hat and it can incorporate a base to make it a miniature hat.
Today, a fascinator may be worn instead of a hat on occasions where hats were traditionally worn—such as weddings—or as an evening accessory, when it may be called a cocktail hat. It is generally worn with fairly formal attire.

Enjoy :-) xxx

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